
IAEA Positively Concluded The ARTEMIS Mission To Slovakia

IAEA Positively Concluded The ARTEMIS Mission To Slovakia An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said that Slovakia is committed to the safe and effective management of radioactive waste and spent fuel. The team also commended Slovakia for its decommissioning activities while noting opportunities to enhance preparations for geological disposal. The Integrated Review…

Successful IAEA ARTEMIS Mission Concluded In Sweden

Successful IAEA ARTEMIS Mission Concluded In Sweden An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission said that Sweden has a comprehensive, robust and well-functioning system for safely managing radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants and commended the country’s development of a concept for spent fuel disposal. The Integrated Review Service for Radioactive…

Belgium Dessel

Belgium Approves The Surface Radwaste Storage Facility In Dessel

Belgium Approves The Surface Radwaste Storage Facility In Dessel The Royal Decree published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 16 May 2023 issued the necessary authorisation for the construction and operation of the surface disposal facility in Dessel (Belgium). There the ONDRAF/NIRAS, the Belgian National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Material, will safely…

How The Plan For Releasing Treated Water In Fukushima Works

How The Plan For Releasing Treated Water In Fukushima Works Technological causes, expected environmental impacts, foreign policy implications and background – A personal expert analysis   Prof. Dr. Attila Aszódi In recent days, the international press has focused on the Fukushima nuclear power plant’s wastewater treatment plans and the release of tritium-contaminated water into the…

Sweden SFR

Sweden Works On Expanding Forsmark’s Radwaste Repository

Sweden Works On Expanding Forsmark’s Radwaste Repository Sweden’s radioactive waste management company Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) signed a collaboration agreement with construction firm Skanska regarding the expansion of the existing SFR (Short-lived radioactive waste) final repository at Forsmark. SFR currently holds approximately 63,000 cubic meters of short-lived low- (LLW) and intermediate-level (ILW) waste. It is situated…

IAEA ARTEMIS to Lithuania

IAEA Gave Positive Conclusion to ARTEMIS Mission in Lithuania

IAEA Gave Positive Conclusion to ARTEMIS Mission in Lithuania An Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS) review team concluded a ten-day mission to Lithuania on 25 July. The review was carried out at the request of the Lithuanian government. ARTEMIS reviews provide independent expert assessments, which can cover…

Robotics for Waste Management (Image: Tapani Karjanlahti / Posiva)

New Robotics Equipment Tested in ONKALO Repository

New Robotics Equipment Tested in ONKALO Repository Last June, a research team led by the Swiss robotics company ANYbotics visited Finland to test the functionality of its ANYmal robot in underground facilities. The four-legged robot, named Donkey, has been designed for autonomous operation in challenging environments, so it has been put through its paces at…

Garigliano NPP, Italy

IAEA Successfully Accomplished ARTEMIS Mission to Italy

IAEA Successfully Accomplished ARTEMIS Mission to Italy An Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS) review team concluded a ten-day mission to Italy on 10 October. The review was carried out at the request and hosted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (‘MASE’). The International Atomic Energy…