Ensuring The Future – Outlook on Medical Radioisotopes and Uranium Supply Chains in Europe

Ensuring The Future – Outlook on Medical Radioisotopes and Uranium Supply Chains in Europe Interview with Euratom Supply Agency Director General Agnieszka Kazmierczak Medical radioisotopes are a crucial tool in beating cancer and other diseases, offering several and innovative solutions in terms of diagnostics and treatments. Despite this key role, the whole production and supply…


EUROfusion Started The DEMO Conceptual Design Phase

EUROfusion Started The DEMO Conceptual Design Phase Last 5th July 2022, the EUROfusion consortium announced the start of conceptual design activities for Europe’s first demonstration fusion power plant DEMO, the ITER’s successor. DEMO (Demonstration Fusion Power Reactor) is a first-of-its-kind facility that represents the next technological step after the global ITER fusion experiment. It aims…


Poland’s National Atomic Energy Agency Received Applications for SMRs

Poland’s National Atomic Energy Agency Received Applications for SMRs Two applications have been submitted to Poland’s National Atomic Energy Agency (Państwowa Agencja Atomistyki, PAA) for the assessment of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology. The National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) said Orlen Synthos Green Energy and KGHM had both submitted application documents on 8 July. Orlen’s…

Framatome Awarded SFEN Prize For Technological Innovation

Framatome Awarded SFEN Prize For Technological Innovation The CRIL, the Framatome (ENS Corporate Member) CERCA Research and Innovation Laboratory received the SFEN Prize for Technological Innovation for the world’s first uranium-molybdenum and uranium-silicon objects using 3D printing technology. This innovation enables the development and production of uranium metal fuel plates for research reactors and irradiation…

EnCore ATF

Westinghouse And EDF To Cooperate On EnCore® ATF Technology

Westinghouse And EDF To Cooperate On EnCore® ATF Technology Westinghouse Electric Company announced a partnership with EDF (both ENS Corporate Members) to explore the functionalities of Westinghouse’s EnCore® enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) technology. Westinghouse will study its EnCore fuel in an EDF reactor for potential deployment across the EDF nuclear fleet after 2030. This…

nuclear medicine cooperation

The New PSI Pharmaceutical Laboratory Is Ready For Production

The New PSI Pharmaceutical Laboratory Is Ready For Production Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, ENS Corporate Member) announced that its new pharmaceutical laboratory for the manufacture of radiopharmaceuticals is ready for production, accordingly to the operating licence granted by the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic). For more than 20 years, in collaboration with ETH Zurich,…