EU Selected A Consortium To Secure VVER Fuel Supply in Europe

EU Selected A Consortium To Secure VVER Fuel Supply in Europe A consortium led by Westinghouse (ENS Corporate Member) was selected by the European Union (EU) to develop and deliver a secure nuclear fuel supply to Russian-designed pressurized water reactors VVER, operating in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. The APIS project (Accelerated Program for Implementation of Secure VVER fuel…

Ph. Westinghouse

Westinghouse Supports Slovakia’s Nuclear Fuel Supply Diversification

Westinghouse Supports Slovakia’s Nuclear Fuel Supply Diversification Westinghouse Electric Company (ENS Corporate Member) signed a long-term agreement with Slovenské elektrárne to license and supply VVER-440 fuel assemblies to its nuclear power plants in Bohunice and Mochovce, Slovakia. According to IAEA PRIS, in 2022 more than 59% of the electricity produced in Slovakia was generated by…

Europe Euratom

A New Euratom Project To Diversify Nuclear Fuel Supply

A New Euratom Project To Diversify Nuclear Fuel Supply A new Innovation Action called SAVE, funded under the Euratom Research and Training Programme is a significant step forward in Europe’s efforts towards nuclear fuel diversification. The project will work with €10 million in EU contribution. Led by Framatome (ENS Corporate Member) and gathering 17 partners from…

Fuel. Ph. Westinghouse

Westinghouse’s Fuel Collaborations on Current and New Technologies

Westinghouse’s Fuel Collaborations on Current and New Technologies Westinghouse Electric Company (ENS Corporate Member) has recently signed new agreements focusing on nuclear fuel for operational and new technologies.     First, WEC and ENUSA renewed their 50-year long partnership with a new Technology Agreement (WETCA), which extends the current license agreement for 10 years. Westinghouse…