The Nuclear Institute Highlights The Future Of Nuclear Skills In The UK
Last week, the Nuclear Institute (ENS Member Society) participated in an engaging event focusing on the development of nuclear skills and the growth of the workforce.
Following the ambitious plans launched by the government, in the UK as well as in several EU countries, the need for an expanded and diverse workforce has never been more pressing.
According to data, the UK needs to fill 40,000 more roles in nuclear by the end of the decade – requiring a doubling of the hiring rate and increasing the available workforce by about 50%. Including retirements, the sector needs to hire closer to 100,000 people said Beccy Pleasant, Head of Nuclear Skills Strategy.
Professor Fiona Rayment OBE FREng FNucI, President of the Nuclear Institute said that it’s time for the industry to start shouting about the breadth of exciting opportunities it can offer if it is to rise to the challenge of 40,000 jobs.
Furthermore, Professor Rayment highlighted the need for greater and different types of diversity to help the sector move away from the perception that it is only for highly technical workers, so engaging a younger, more diverse demographic is essential.
Read the full Nuclear Institute Press Release.
During the EU Year of Skills (May 2023 – May 2024), the European Nuclear Society dedicated a special series of interviews with international experts to challenges, perspectives and potential solutions to the growing needs for the nuclear workforce, in Europe and beyond.
You can find all the ENS interviews here.