NUKEM Upgrades The Incineration Facility For Radwaste In Seibersdorf
In 2016, NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH (NUKEM – ENS Corporate Member) was awarded a contract for the upgrade of the Incineration Facility for low-level radioactive waste in Seibersdorf, Austria.
The purpose of the upgrade was to optimise the incinerator feed and ash discharge processes, in particular to reliably prevent spreading of contamination through installing sealed box systems. The project also aimed at improving the incineration process and flue gas treatment.
The main components of the Incineration Facility are an incinerator with feed system, combustion chamber and ash discharge system as well as flue gas pipelines with flue gas treatment equipment, blowers, and a gas firing system.
After the upgrade, the Facility was successively put into operation and the operating team was trained. During this process, the Facility’s control system and various details were consistently improved and combined into a high-performance overall system.
In July 2022, the Facility was tested under real conditions during a two-week test run.
During the test run that was completed last October, the Incineration Facility was controlled by NES (Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf, the facility’s operator) independently under the supervision of a NUKEM expert.
The next steps will be the documentation completion and the last fully independent test run of the Facility to be carried out by the customer.
Read the NUKEM Press Release.