All facilities and process steps in nuclear engineering required for the further treatment of the spent fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. from a reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai...: interim storage, reprocessingApplication of chemical processes to separate the valuable s... with return of usable fissionSee 'nuclear fission'. material or conditioning of spent fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. elements and direct ultimate storage, treatment and ultimate radioactive waste disposal. The opposite is the supply of the reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... with nuclear fuelIn accordance with the definition of the German Atomic Energ...: search, mining, treatment, enrichmentProcess by which the share of a certain isotpe in an element... of uraniumNatural radioactive element with the atomic number 92. The n..., manufacture of fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. elements. See nuclear fuel cycleA number of process stages in the supply and waste managemen....