Radioactive isotopeSynonym for radionuclide. of hydrogen with two neutrons and a protonElementary particle with a positive electrical elementary ch... in the nucleusPositively charged nucleus of an atom. Its diameter amounts .... Tritium is used e.g. in the manufacture of luminous paint, as an indicatorElement or compound made radioactive for easy tracing in bio... in tracerRadionuclide added to identify substances to allow examinati... tests and as a fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. in controlled fusionFormation of a heavy nucleus from lighter nuclei releasing e... experiments. Tritium is a beta emitter (Eßmax: 18 keVKiloelectron volt; 1 keV = 1,000 eV; See 'Electron volt'.) with a half-lifeThe period during which half of the nuclei decay in a quanti... of 12,323 years.