Experimental arrangement for controlled nuclear fusionSee 'fusion'.. In a Tokamak, two superimposed magnetic fields enclose the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut...: this is the toroidal field generated by external coils on the one hand and the field of a flow in the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut... on the other hand. In the combined field, the field lines run helicoidally around the torus centre. In this way, the necessary twisting of the field lines and the structure of the magnetic areas are achieved. Apart from the toroidal field generated by the external field coils and the field generated by the flow in the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut..., the Tokamak requires a third vertical field (poloidal field), fixing the position of the flow in the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut... container. The flow in the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut... is mainly used to generate the enclosing magnetic field. In addition, it provides effective initial heating of the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut.... The flow in the plasmaElectrically neutral gas mixture of ions, electrons and neut... is normally induced by a transformer coil. Owing to the transformer, the Tokamak does not work continuously, but in pulse mode. Since, however, a power plant should not be operated in pulse mode for technical reasons, methods are examined to generate a continuous flow – for example by high-frequency waves. The fusionFormation of a heavy nucleus from lighter nuclei releasing e... research plant JETJoint European Torus; large-scale experiment for controlled ... is built according to the Tokamak principle. The fusionFormation of a heavy nucleus from lighter nuclei releasing e... reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... ITERThe major international fusion programmes – People’s R... is also planned according to this principle.