The effective doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... from all natural and artificial radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... sources amounts for inhabitants in Germany to an average of 3.9 millisievert per year. Natural radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... exposure and medical exposure, particularly x-ray diagnostics, contribute each nearly half of the total doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely.... Compared to the radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... from nature and medicine and above all considering the considerable variation of these doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... values, all other doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... contributions are actually negligible.
Average radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... exposure in Germany