Process for the reprocessingApplication of chemical processes to separate the valuable s... of spent nuclear fuelIn accordance with the definition of the German Atomic Energ... to separate uraniumNatural radioactive element with the atomic number 92. The n... and plutoniumPlutonium - the 94th element in the classification of elemen... from the fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca... and from one another. Following the dissolution of the irradiated fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. in aqueous nitric acid, uraniumNatural radioactive element with the atomic number 92. The n... and plutoniumPlutonium - the 94th element in the classification of elemen... are transferred to an organic phase by intensive mixing with an organic solvent extractionProcess used to selectively extract substances from an aqueo... – 30 percent tributyl phosphateUsed in reprocessing for the PUREX process as an organic ext... (TBPSee tributyl phosphate.) in keroseneMixture of various hydrocarbon compounds, main component is ... is used as organic solvent – while the fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca... remain in the aqueous nitric phase. Further process steps enable the subsequent separation of uraniumNatural radioactive element with the atomic number 92. The n... and plutoniumPlutonium - the 94th element in the classification of elemen... from one another.
Principle of the PUREXPlutonium and Uranium Recovery by Extraction. (See 'PUREX pr... process for the separation of uraniumNatural radioactive element with the atomic number 92. The n... and plutoniumPlutonium - the 94th element in the classification of elemen... from fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca...