The Radiological Protection Ordinance requires measurement of the personal doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... for determination of the body doseBody dose is the general term for effective dose and organ d.... In Germany, the personal doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... is the dose equivalentAccording to ICRU Report 51 the dose equivalent, H, is the p... measured in the measuring variables of depth doseDose equivalent in 10 mm depth in the body at the point of a... and skin doseThe skin dose Hp(0.07) is the dose equivalent at a depth of ... at a spot representative of radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... exposure at the body surface. The depth personal doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... in the case of whole body exposure to penetrating radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... is an estimated value for the effective doseMeasure of a radiation effect to be indicated more precisely... and the organ doses of deep organs and the skin doseThe skin dose Hp(0.07) is the dose equivalent at a depth of ... an estimated value for the skin doseThe skin dose Hp(0.07) is the dose equivalent at a depth of .... (See ‘dose’).