To July 2024, there is a total of 167 nuclear power reactors with an installed electric net capacity of 147,774 MWeMegawatt electric; electric output of a power plant in megaw... in operation in Europe (six thereof in the Asian part of the Russian Federation) and 10 units with an electric net capacity of 11,599 MWeMegawatt electric; electric output of a power plant in megaw... were under construction in five countries.
Country |
in operation |
under construction |
number |
net capacity MWeMegawatt electric; electric output of a power plant in megaw... |
number |
net capacity MWeMegawatt electric; electric output of a power plant in megaw... |
Belarus |
2 |
2.220 |
– |
– |
Belgium |
5 |
3.928 |
Bulgaria |
2 |
2.006 |
– |
– |
Czech Republic |
6 |
3.934 |
Finland |
5 |
4.394 |
– |
– |
France |
56 |
61.370 |
1 |
1.630 |
Hungary |
4 |
1.916 |
Netherlands |
1 |
482 |
Romania |
2 |
1.300 |
– |
– |
Russia |
36 |
26.802 |
4 |
3.759 |
Slovakia |
5 |
2.308 |
1 |
440 |
Slovenia |
1 |
688 |
Spain |
7 |
7.121 |
Sweden |
6 |
6.882 |
Switzerland |
4 |
2.960 |
Ukraine |
15 |
13.107 |
2 |
2.070 |
United Kingdom |
9 |
5.883 |
2 |
3.260 |
total |
167 |
147.774 |
10 |
11.599 |
Nuclear power plantThermal power plant, primarily used for electricity generati... units in Europe, in operation and under construction (Last update – 4th July 2024)
In terms of electricity globally generated by nuclear energyInner binding energy of atomic nuclei. The nuclear building ... in 2023, France holds the top position with a share of 64.8%, followed by Slovakia (61.3%) and Hungary (48.8%), then Finland (42%).
Nuclear Power Reactors in Operation in Europe, 24th July 2024