In accordance with the definition of the German Atomic EnergyAbility to do work or diffuse heat. The unit of energy is th... Act, nuclear fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. consists of special fissile substances in the form of
- plutonium-239 and plutonium-241,
- with the isotopes 235 or 233 enriched uraniumUranium in which the percentage of the fissionable isotope U...,
- substances containing one or several of the aforementioned substances,
- substances with the aid of which a self-perpetuating chain reactionSelf-perpetuating reaction. In a fission chain reaction, a f... can be upheld in a suitable plant (reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai...) and which are determined in an ordinance having the force of lawLow active waste; usually with an activity concentration of ....