If the reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction... cooling fails, e.g. due to a major leakage in the reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... cooling circuit, and the emergency core cooling systemReactor cooling system for safe removal of residual heat in ... fails simultaneously, the residual heatHeat generated by the decay of radioactive fission products ... in the fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. created by the radioactive decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... of the fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca... heats up the reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction... – possibly until the fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. melts. During the meltdown, the corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction... support structures also fail so that the whole molten mass drops into the lower hemispherical area of the reactor pressure vesselThick-walled cylindrical steel vessel enclosing the reactor .... It can be assumed that the heat released by the molten mass melts through the bottom of the reactor pressure vesselThick-walled cylindrical steel vessel enclosing the reactor .... The density of the containmentGastight case around a reactor and the circuit and auxiliary... is important for the extent of radioactive substancesRadioactive substances within the meaning of the Atomic Ener... released to the environment in the case of such a corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction... meltdown accidentUnplanned sequence of events which may result in an effectiv....