Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research (NASU) The Institute coordinates the participation of Ukrainian nuclear physicists in the work of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) and maintains working links with the IAEA. The Institute’s scientists are involved in the implementation of a number of international scientific programs, providing significant assistance in the training of…

The Ukrainian Nuclear Society 04073, Ukraine, Kyiv, Stepan Bandera Ave., 6 “Petrivka-Centre” office 1211 – 12 floor

Bangor University Nuclear Futures Institute Bangor University is developing a world leading capability in nuclear science and engineering, the focal point of which is the Nuclear Futures Institute. This will establish North Wales as a global centre, delivering international partnerships and opportunities from a rich mix of existing and new talent in support of the local…

Nuclear Institute Nuclear Institute no longer has a physical address but operates online. Its Registered Office is: Nuclear Institute c/o Sayer Vincent LLP, 110 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TG

Paul Scherrer Institute, Villingen The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research centre for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. They perform world-class research in three main subject areas: Structure of Matter; Energy and the Environment; and Human Health. As part of its facilities, the Institute is home to a ‘reactor school’, which is…

Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Kernfachleute (Swiss Nuclear Society): c/o Nuklearforuim Schweiz CH-3000 Bern Switzerland

National Electron Accelerator Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Research, Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Physics – Max IV Lab MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory providing scientists with the most brilliant X-rays for research. With more than 30 years of experience operating the MAX I-III facilities, it is now commissioning MAX IV, which was inaugurated 21 June…

Swedish Nuclear Society: Vattenfall AB Evenemangsgatan 13 169 92 Stockholm Sweden

CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research) The CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research) is a Public Research Organization attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the General Secretariat for the Coordination of Scientific Policy focused mainly on the fields of energy and the environment and the technological fields…

Sociedad Nuclear Espanola (Spanish Nuclear Society), SNE: Campoamor, 17 E-28004 Madrid Spain