Prof. Dr. Georg Steinhauser

Professor of Applied Radiochemistry at TU Wien, Austria

Adam Rajewski

Research Assistant at the Department of Thermodynamics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Thomas Schröder

Consultant radioactive waste disposal, Nuclear Research and consultancy Group (NRG), The Netherlands

Prof. Marco Ricotti

Full professor of Nuclear Power Plants at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Energy

Antonio Di Buono – Representative of the ENS Young Generation

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dalton Nuclear Institute, UK

Kevin Fernández-Cosials – Representative of the ENS Young Generation

Assistant Professor Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Prof. Sevostian Bechta

Professor in Nuclear Power Safety and Head of NPS Division at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) - The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

Prof. Laurence Williams

Emeritus Professor of Nuclear Safety and Regulation, Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College London; Visiting Professor at King’s College London, UK

Prof. Frank Deconinck

Honorary President

Dr. Eric Proust

Director, The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France