Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) LEI hosts two laboratories in the nuclear field, the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory and the Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety. The Nuclear Engineering Laboratory’s main research areas are: Safety of spent nuclear fuel (snf) management; Safety of radioactive waste management; Assessment of different factors related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities; Waste heat…
Laboratorio Energie Nucleare Applicata (LENA) of University of Pavia The LENA Applied Nuclear Energy Laboratory is an “Inter-departmental Service Center” of the University of Pavia that manages a nuclear research reactor, a cyclotron for the production of radioisotopes and other sources of ionizing radiation, making them available to researchers from the University of Pavia and…
Hadassah Medical Center Cyclotron Radiochemistry Unit Medical imaging has emerged as a dominant method for diagnosing disease conditions and for monitoring treatments. The main objective of the Cyclotron Unit is to synthesize and produce new radio-labeled molecules for the diagnosis and evaluation of various disease conditions using PET imaging at Hadassah and other major PET…
Budapest Research Reactor The Budapest Research Reactor is the leading research infrastructure in Hungary and it is one of the largest in Central-Europe. Scientists at BRR have decades of tradition in using neutron beams for neutron scattering investigations, as well as neutron-based element analysis and imaging. BRR is a VVR-type (water-cooled, water-moderated reactor) of Soviet design and construction: it went critical for the…
Jülich Research Center – Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP) The Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP) conducts experimental and theoretical basic research in the areas of nuclear, hadron and particle physics. To this end, it operates the COSY cooler synchrotron, an accelerator and storage ring, which provides unpolarized and polarized proton and deuteron beams with pulses of up…