Seibersdorf Laboratories

The Seibersdorf Academy is Austria‘s largest training center for radiation protection. As well as an extensive training program for the civilian sectors of medicine, technology, and research, they also offer a special modular training system in radiation protection and disaster control for members of the military and emergency services, i.e. police, fire department, and rescue services.

They have more than 50 years of experience in providing radiation protection training. More than 50,000 emergency services members to date have been trained in Seibersdorf.

Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf

The main tasks of Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf GmbH (NES), which are carried out on behalf of the Republic of Austria, include the collection, processing, conditioning and storage of radioactive waste and the decontamination and decommissioning (dismantling) of nuclear facilities, in particular from 45 years of research and development at the Seibersdorf location.

The Stefan Meyer Institute (SMI)

SMI is devoted to basic research in the field of subatomic physics. Our research focuses on the study of fundamental symmetries and interactions. SMI is specialised in precision spectroscopy of exotic atoms (Atoms that contain another particle – e.g. an antiproton, kaon, muon or pion- in their shell instead of an electron) and exotic meson-nucleus bound states as an integral part of international collaborations at large-scale research facilities including CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), LNF-INFN (Frascati, Italy), J-PARC (Tokai, Japan), GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), and, in the future, FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany).

Institute for High Energy Physics (HEPHY)

The Institute of High Energy Physics studies the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces that govern its interactions. The development of a consistent picture of the microcosm is an essential part on the road to understanding nature. Elementary particle physics in particular helps to improve our comprehension of the universe in its very early state after the Big Bang.

Atominstitut, home to the TRIGA Mark II research reactor

The Atominstitut (ATI) was established in 1958 as an inter-university institute, and in 1962 opened at its current location on the Prater with the commissioning of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor. As part of the reform of the university system, the Atominstitut was integrated 2002 into the Faculty of Physics at the TU Wien and is now dedicated to today’s broad range of research and education ranging from very fundamental questions about symmetries and interactions in nuclear and particle physics to neutron-, atomic-, quantum-physics and quantum optics to radiation- and reactor physics to applied tasks such as environmental monitoring, radiation protection or for example the radiation resistance of modern materials.