CEA Creates Two Nuclear Start-Ups For SMR Development

CEA Creates Two Nuclear Start-Ups For SMR Development CEA, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (ENS Corporate Member) announced the creation of two nuclear start-ups, Hexana and Stellaria, which will focus on the development of different technologies for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). Hexana aims to develop an SMR featuring a sodium-cooled fast neutron…

NRG Tractebel

NRG And Tractebel To Support New NPPs In The Netherlands

NRG And Tractebel To Support New NPPs In The Netherlands On Friday, 17th March, NRG|PALLAS and Tractebel (both ENS Corporate Members) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate to support the new-build of nuclear power plants in the Netherlands. Bertholt Leeftink, CEO NRG|PALLAS, said Cooperation is a key element in realising such an ambitious project.…


BR2 Research Reactor Will Run With LEU In 2026

BR2 Research Reactor Will Run With LEU In 2026 SCK CEN (ENS Corporate Member) announced that the BR2 research reactor will switch to low-enriched uranium (LEU) in 2026. Then BR2 will be the world’s first research reactor with high-performance fuel on low enriched uranium. As SCK CEN said, the change to LEU will help to…

NRG - Terbium-161

NRG And TerThera Cooperate To Secure Terbium-161 Supply

NRG And TerThera Cooperate To Secure Terbium-161 Supply Last week, NRG (ENS Corporate Member) and TerThera signed an agreement for irradiation services in the High Flux Reactor in Petten to produce Terbium-161. The non-carrier-added (NCA) Terbium-161 is produced by neutron irradiation of highly enriched Gadolinium-160 targets in the Dutch research reactor. Terbium-161 is a promising novel…

small modular reactors

ENS High Scientific Council’s Statement on Small Modular Reactors

European Nuclear Society High Scientific Council’s Statement on Small Modular Reactors Today’s European Union Declaration on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) marks an important step towards the decarbonised and autonomous Europe. Climate change is a tremendous threat to human well-being and our societies. The ever-more alarming messages on anthropogenic climate change, as expressed by the IPCC,…

Taxonomy NZIA nuclear

Support For Nuclear Power Is Increasing Across Europe

Support For Nuclear Power Is Increasing Across Europe Recent opinion polls in several European countries showed widespread, increasing support for nuclear energy, considered an effective and crucial tool to mitigate climate change, boost decarbonisation, and secure national energy independence.   Sweden The share of people who want to keep using nuclear power in Sweden is…