Nuclear-21 New Report Focuses On Paradigms For International Standardisation

Nuclear-21 New Report Focuses On Paradigms For International Standardisation Interest in harmonising approaches to the design, evaluation and certification of nuclear installations is universally recognised since longtime. Significant progress has been made but the process has not yet been completed and the situation now appears to be stagnating. To make further progress in this difficult…

Petten HFR Will Produce Medical Isotopes Only With LEU

Petten HFR Will Produce Medical Isotopes Only With LEU The High Flux Reactor in Petten, operated by NRG, from now on produces only medical isotopes with low-enriched uranium (LEU). Until recently, the productions for NRG’s Belgian partner IRE were still based on high-enriched uranium, because IRE could not fully process low-enriched uranium. But now IRE…

ROSATOM’s Leningrad 2-2 Began Commercial Operation

ROSATOM’s Leningrad 2-2 Began Commercial Operation ROSATOM announced that Leningrad 2-2 nuclear power plant in Russia began commercial operation on Monday, 22 March 2021. This is the fourth Generation III+ unit with VVER-1200 PWR in Russia. It will substitute the Soviet-era Leningrad-2 with RBMK-1000 reactor, which shut down last November, fully replacing its capacity. Following…

PSI Investigates For Suitable Swiss Deep Geological Repository

PSI Investigates For Suitable Swiss Deep Geological Repository Switzerland is planning to construct a deep geological repository for its radioactive waste by 2050. Three sites are currently under consideration and researchers at Paul Scherrer Institute are providing data that will help in determining which is most suitable. The search for suitable locations is being conducted…

Vattenfall: “Nuclear Is Among The Keys To Supporting The Energy Transition”

Vattenfall: “Nuclear Is Among The Keys To Supporting The Energy Transition” Swedish company Vattenfall, ENS Corporate Member, recently published its Annual and Sustainability Report 2020. Overviewing the last year’s activities in the nuclear sector, Vattenfall highlights remarkable progress and investments, aiming to keep the nuclear power at the core of the Swedish electricity system. Indeed,…

Framatome To Support Long-Term Operation of the Dominion Energy Nuclear Fleet

Framatome To Support Long-Term Operation of the Dominion Energy Nuclear Fleet Framatome, ENS Corporate Member, recently signed a contract with Dominion Energy to support the long-term operation of the US company’s nuclear fleet. This contract covers nuclear plant outage and maintenance work, including fleet steam generator services, refuel services, and inspections through 2026. Framatome’s expert…


Teplator, A Revolutionary Nuclear District Heating System

Teplator, A Revolutionary Nuclear District Heating System Researchers at the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen have come up with an innovative solution: the Teplator. The Teplator is a system that uses the radioactive decay heat produced by spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors to heat water. The team,…