
Space The applications of nuclear technology extend beyond our planet too. Without it, space travel and exploration would be extremely difficult. It is used to generate power, but also for scientific observation purposes. Nuclear Batteries Modern space travel would be unimaginable without the power of the nucleus. Chemical energy carriers like combustible solutions do not…

Nuclear Basics Waste


Radioactive Waste Radioactive waste includes all types of waste that are radioactive. They need to be treated and stored and handled with the necessary security. There are different kind of waste types, with different levels of radioactivity, and they are all differently treated. Where does radioactive waste come from? Figure 1 Different sources of nuclear…

R&D funds for clean energy

More than 40 nuclear associations sign joint declaration calling for doubling the R&D funds for clean energy More than 40 nuclear associations representing over 80,000 scientists have today called on the Clean Energy Ministerial Conference (CEM) which will be held in Vancouver later this month to commit to doubling public investment in nuclear-related R&D and…

Laureates of the 2019 ENS PhD Award

ENS High Scientific Council announces laureates of the 2019 ENS PhD Award ENS Member Societies submitted 12 entries to the 2nd edition of the PhD Award organised by the ENS High Scientific Council. All entries were of excellent quality, underlining once more the strength of our network of nuclear professionals and our ability to promote…

IAEA Announces Student Competition

IAEA Announces Student Competition In conjunction with the International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management and Human Resources Development, the IAEA is holding a competition for students aged 14-18 in IAEA member states. Students are invited to present a project which promotes discussion and raises awareness on the use of digital technologies to support education in…


Moon farming: SCK•CEN sends experiment into space

Moon farming: SCK•CEN sends experiment into space On 24 July 2019, SPACEX-18 rocket left the Kennedy Space Center (Florida) for the International Space Station. On board were some basaltic rock and bacteria from Earth, both part of an experiment investigating whether life would be possible on the Moon; since basalt is a dominant rock type…