PSI Leads New Research To Fight Metastatic Prostate Cancer

PSI Leads New Research To Fight Metastatic Prostate Cancer Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (ENS Corporate Member, PSI) are developing a new drug that could increase the survival chances of patients with metastatic prostate cancer. The drug, studied by a research consortium involving PSI, the University Hospital Basel and ETH Zurich, is now being…

Westinghouse AP-300

Westinghouse Signed MoU For Potential New Reactors In Slovakia

Westinghouse Signed MoU For Potential New Reactors In Slovakia Westinghouse Electric Company (ENS Corporate Member) announced the signing of memorandums of understanding (MOU) with Slovak state-owned nuclear company JAVYS on the potential deployment of AP1000 reactors and AP300 small modular reactors (SMR). The MOUs signed yesterday, 17th July 2023, create a framework for the two…

UK Government Officially Launched ‘Great British Nuclear’

UK Government Officially Launched ‘Great British Nuclear’ The UK Government has officially launched its flagship body Great British Nuclear (GBN). GBN will drive the rapid expansion of new nuclear power plants in the UK at an unprecedented scale and pace. This will boost UK energy security, reduce dependence on volatile fossil fuel imports, create more affordable…

COP28 Nuclear for Climate

COP28 – Nuclear for Climate Position Paper 2023

COP28 – Nuclear for Climate Position Paper 2023 COP28 is approaching and Nuclear for Climate launched its new Position Paper! Nuclear for Climate is a grassroots initiative gathering nuclear professionals and scientists from over 150 associations worldwide. Its purpose is to accelerate the transition to an abundant, clean, sustainable, just and low-carbon future for all; by establishing meaningful partnerships to attain the UN Sustainable Development Goals…

Sweden SFR

Sweden Works On Expanding Forsmark’s Radwaste Repository

Sweden Works On Expanding Forsmark’s Radwaste Repository Sweden’s radioactive waste management company Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) signed a collaboration agreement with construction firm Skanska regarding the expansion of the existing SFR (Short-lived radioactive waste) final repository at Forsmark. SFR currently holds approximately 63,000 cubic meters of short-lived low- (LLW) and intermediate-level (ILW) waste. It is situated…

Westinghouse Springfields Site

Westinghouse Awarded New Grants From UK Nuclear Fuel Fund

Westinghouse Awarded New Grants From UK Nuclear Fuel Fund Westinghouse Electric Company (ENS Corporate Member) announced that the UK Government’s Nuclear Fuel Fund has awarded three grants to upgrade and expand the Springfields Fuel Fabrication Facility to support the United Kingdom’s next-generation nuclear reactors. The three awards totalling £10.5 million (€12.2 million) aim to support…

IAEA ARTEMIS to Lithuania

IAEA Gave Positive Conclusion to ARTEMIS Mission in Lithuania

IAEA Gave Positive Conclusion to ARTEMIS Mission in Lithuania An Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS) review team concluded a ten-day mission to Lithuania on 25 July. The review was carried out at the request of the Lithuanian government. ARTEMIS reviews provide independent expert assessments, which can cover…

UK Announced A New Taskforce To Strengthen Nuclear Skills

UK Announced A New Taskforce To Strengthen Nuclear Skills Following the launch of its flagship body Great British Nuclear (GBN), the UK Government announced the creation of a New Nuclear Skills Taskforce to support skills activity in the nuclear sector and to meet nuclear skills growth opportunities by bringing together government, employers and academia. It…