Nuclear for Climate at COP27

Nuclear for Climate at COP27 The Nuclear for Climate delegation successfully participated in the COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, achieving great results in terms of engagement, meetings, and events! With 98 badges (plus supporters), the N4C delegation made amazing efforts all these weeks, advocating, answering questions, engaging with people about nuclear, and raising awareness that #NetZeroNeedsNuclear! We have…


NCBJ And JAEA To Boost Research And Development In HTGRs

NCBJ And JAEA To Boost Research And Development In HTGRs On November 22, in Tokyo, the President of the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Mr. Koguchi Masanori and the Director of the Polish National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Prof. Krzysztof Kurek signed an Implementing Arrangement regarding the institution’s cooperation in research and development in…

Steps Forward For Belgium’s Geological Radwaste Disposal

Steps Forward For Belgium’s Geological Radwaste Disposal On November 22, 2022, a Royal Decree concerning radioactive waste management in Belgium was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. This decree is the first regulatory act allowing the formal elaboration of a national policy for the safe and responsible long-term management of high-level radioactive waste in Belgium.…

Dr Stanislas de Lambert wins ENS High Scientific Council PhD Award 2022

Dr Stanislas de Lambert wins ENS High Scientific Council PhD Award 2022 The ENS HSC brings together 22 scientists from 16 countries. For the 2022 edition HSC received eleven nominations from ENS member Societies: namely the Belgian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Israeli, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, UK and Ukrainian Nuclear Societies. ENS Members Societies provided candidates’…

Bertin Supplies Armenia With Radiation Monitoring Instruments

Bertin Supplies Armenia With Radiation Monitoring Instruments The European Commission is financially supporting Armenia in the acquisition and installation of an automatic on-line radiation monitoring early warning system for monitoring and dispersion modelling with an emergency center for the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA). Armenia operates a single Unit (448MW PWR) nuclear power plant in Metsamor,…