
IAEA Concluded A Successful EPREV Mission in Slovenia

IAEA Concluded A Successful EPREV Mission in Slovenia An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts has concluded a five-day follow-up mission to review the emergency preparedness and response framework for nuclear and radiological emergencies in Slovenia. The Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) was carried out at the request of the Slovenian Government and hosted…

Tecnatom Actively Contributes To The Development Of IAEA Documents

Tecnatom Actively Contributes To The Development Of IAEA Documents Since 1957, Tecnatom (ENS Corporate Member) has been providing several services to the nuclear sector, mainly inspection and structural integrity services, operation personnel training via the use of full-scope simulators and plant operation support engineering. Thanks to its long-standing, high-level experience, Tecnatom joined the IAEA technical meeting called: “IAEA Technical…

Proton Therapy

Commercial Production Of Lutetium-177 Starts At Bruce NPP

Commercial Production Of Lutetium-177 Starts At Bruce NPP The international collaboration between Bruce Power, Isogen (a Kinectrics and Framatome company) and ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE (ITM) announced today the start of commercial production of lutetium-177. It marks the first-of-its-kind achievement of a commercial power reactor with additional capability to commercially produce short-lived medical isotopes.…


Mochovce-3 Reaches First Criticality

Mochovce-3 Reaches First Criticality Mochovce-3 reactor reached minimum controlled output on 22 October, marking first criticality for the Russia-supplied 440 MW unit. Utility Slovenske Elektrarne, which owns and operates Slovakia’s four commercial reactors, said Mochovce-3 should reach full capacity and begin commercial operation at the beginning of next year. The company said that although a…


SMR-160 Project Advances In Czech Republic

SMR-160 Project Advances In Czech Republic US Small Modular Reactor (SMR) developer Holtec announced the signature of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with engineering multinationals Škoda Praha and Hyundai Engineering and Construction to advance the planning for construction of SMR-160s in the Czech Republic. Under the Agreement, the parties will develop the division of responsibilities…