VTT to develop SMR for district heating

VTT to develop SMR for district heating VTT Technical Research Center in Finland has already begun the first phase of a project to develop a small modular reactor (SMR) for district heat production in Finland. This project also creates the opportunity to develop a new Finnish industrial sector around the SMR technology and the production…

Remix fuel is being tested by Rosenergoatom

Remix fuel is being tested by Rosenergoatom Rosenergoatom is testing the Remix fuel at Balakovo-3 nuclear plant, operated by Rosatom’s subsidiary. Remix (regenerated mixture) fuel is a combination of mixed-oxide (Mox) fuel and fuel with a mix of fresh and recycled uranium. It allows to  save around 22% of the natural uranium, the developers estimate. The…

Irradiated Vaccines for Animal Health and Food Security

Irradiated Vaccines for Animal Health and Food Security Irradiation is a safe and reliable solution for many problems, related to agriculture, food, animal and human health. Vaccines, in animals just like in people, activate an immunological response that helps the body prepare to fight off a future disease. Some vaccinations use live microorganisms, and radiations…

FiR-1 decommissioning ready to start

FiR-1 decommissioning ready to start VTT Research Centre and Fortum have agreed on a partnership to decommission the first Finnish research reactor FiR-1. The FIR 1 research reactor was commissioned in 1962 and operated until 2015. It has played a key-role in several projects, like the study of lunar rocks, gold prospecting and cancer treatments…

Synchrotron radiation for materials and medical research

Synchrotron radiation for materials and medical research Russian Central Design and Technological Institute has been awarded a government contract to design an experimental synchrotron for research in physics, chemistry, geology, biology and medicine. This facility will be one of the latest generations of synchrotron radiation sources and the total investment in the project is worth…

A bespoken robot for a challenging decommissioning

A bespoken robot for a challenging decommissioning Ansaldo Nuclear has provided a bespoke robot to achieve challenging goals in decommissioning at Caorso, a 860-MW BWR plant in northern Italy, which was permanently shut down in 1990. Ansaldo Nuclear designed, manufactured, installed and operated the Machine Retrieval System (MRS) to extract and recover 2,000 drums of radwaste…

Call for applications – Multipurpose Irradiation Centre as the Component of Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology

Call for applications – Multipurpose Irradiation Centre as the Component of Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology The Department of International Educational Programs – UrFU invites to participate in competitive admission for the 2nd Train-the-trainers course “Multipurpose Irradiation Centre as the Component of Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology”, organized jointly by Rosatom Technical Academy…

ITER – First superconducting magnet arrived from Italy

ITER – First superconducting magnet arrived from Italy International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) under construction in Cadarache, France, received one of the largest and most complex magnets ever built. The superconducting magnet measures 17 metres by 9 metres and it took one month to be shipped from the factory of ASG Superconductors in La Spezia,…

Small Modular Reactors – Innovation and Safety

Small Modular Reactors – Innovation and Safety The IAEA safety standards serve as a global reference for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Although they can generally be applied to small modular reactors (SMRs), experts from the SMR Regulators’ Forum are working on a tailor-made solution to help national authorities…

IRRUR – Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review Mission

IRRUR – Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review Mission What does IRRUR mean? The Integrated Research Reactor Utilization Review (IRRUR) is a holistic IAEA peer review mission conducted by a team of international experts who have direct managerial, operational and scientific experience related to research reactor utilization and related applications. IRRUR missions are designed to assist IAEA Member States…