The General Assembly

The ENS governing body is the General Assembly. It consists of the appointed representatives of Member Societies and of delegates from Corporate Members. The powers of the General Assembly extend among other:

  • To appoint and discharge the directors, the President and the Vice-Presidents
  • To approve the annual accounts and budget
  • To admit new active members
The ENS Board of Directors

The General Assembly has appointed a smaller Board and entrusted it with the oversight over the most important ENS projects.

Prof. Frank Deconinck

Honorary President

Dr. Eng. Stefano Monti

ENS President

Prof. Leon Cizelj

Past President

Valerie Faudon

Vice President - French Nuclear Society

Eileen Langegger

Treasurer - Austrian Nuclear Society

Prof. Walter Ambrosini

Italian Nuclear Association

Danylo Lavrenov

Ukrainian Nuclear Society

Jörg Starflinger

German Nuclear Society

John Lindberg

Swedish Nuclear Society

Jiri Duspiva

Czech Nuclear Society

Maciej Lipka

Polish Nuclear Society

Ana Jambrina

Finnish Nuclear Society

Mark Gardiner

The Nuclear Institute (UK)

Pablo T. Leon Lopez

Spanish Nuclear Society

David de Novellis

Westinghouse – Corporate member

Thomas Wiese

Framatome - Corporate Member

ENS Presidents

The General Assembly is to be chaired by the President of the Association. The President is appointed by the General Assembly among its members for a two-year term.

ENS Presidents 1975 – 2024

2024-2025 Stefano Monti (IT)
2022-2023 Leon Cizelj (SLO)
2020-2021 Emilio Mínguez (ES)
2018-2019 Alastair Laird (UK)
2016-2017 Roger Schene (BE)
2014-2015 Noël Camarcat (FR)
2012-2013 Marco Streit (CH)
2010-2011 Vladimir Slugen (SK)
2008-2009 David Bonser (UK)
2006-2007 Frank Deconinck (BE)
2004-2005 Bertrand Barré (FR)
2002-2003 Andrej Stritar (SLO)

2000-2001 Agneta Rising (SE)
1998-1999 Pat Upson (UK)
1996-1997 Ger Küpers (NL)
1994-1995 Pekka Silvennoinen (FI)
1992-1993 Colette Lewiner (FR)
1990-1991 Jean van Dievoet (BE)
1987-1989 Hans-Henning Hennies (DE)
1985-1987 Rafael Caro (ES)
1983-1985 Harry Cartwright (UK)
1981-1983 Pierre Zaleski (FR)
1979-1981 Carlo Salvetti (IT)
1977-1979 Karl Heinz Beckurts (DE)
1975-1977 Alain Colomb (CH)

The ENS Secretariat

The tasks of the association are supported by the ENS Secretariat with office in Brussels, Belgium.

Kirsten Epskamp

Secretary General

Mattia Baldoni

Communications Officer

Jadwiga Najder

Science and Outreach Manager