Corporate Members

ENS is a Learned Society and any organisation of nuclear scientists that has national activities is eligible to become a Member Organisation. ENS currently counts 22 Member Societies, bringing together more than 12.000 nuclear professionals.

Any other organisation operating in the nuclear field –be it a scientific or a technical organisation, a cultural foundation, a university or an industrial venture– is eligible to become a “Corporate Member”.

27 Corporate Members support ENS in advancing science and engineering in peaceful uses of nuclear technologies. To find out more about each of them on their respective websites, click on their logos. For job and career opportunities available with our corporate members, please click here.

Deep Atomic
Elektroinstitut Milan Vidmar
Euratom Supply Agency
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG
Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG
MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd
NRG Petten
Nuclear 21
NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH
Paul Scherrer Institute
Protection Solutions
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj
Thomas Thor
Tractebel S.A.
Vattenfall AB
Westinghouse Electric Company
How to become a Corporate Member?
Partners for nuclear technology and research

ENS as a Learned Society promotes the development of nuclear science and technology. Our  Corporate Members are leading experts in the field and our partners for nuclear technology and research.

Benefits of ENS Corporate Membership

By becoming member your company will have one seat and the right to vote at ENS’ governing body, the ENS General Assembly.

Furthermore, your company will benefit from

  • Active participation in ENS’ networking opportunities and working groups
  • Possibility to actively contribute to the ENS Education and Training Platform and to post open job positions and training opportunities
  • Free subscription and possibility to contribute to ENS’ quarterly electronic magazine, E-News
  • Possibility to organise interactive webinars for the European nuclear community
  • 10% discount on delegate rates at conferences organised by ENS
  • 10% discount on stand orders at industry exhibitions organised by ENS
Who can become a Corporate Member?

Any organisation operating in the nuclear field is eligible to become a Corporate Member and may be admitted, subject to the approval of the General Assembly.

Corporate Members shall be sought from among scientific and technical organisations and cultural foundations, universities or industrial organisations that are active in the nuclear field.

How to become a Corporate Member?

Admission as an ENS Corporate Member is subject to the approval of the ENS General Assembly. Please contact the ENS Secretariat for more information


The annual fees are dependent on the number of employees working in the nuclear sector



Category No. of staff employed
in nuclear work
Fee as of 1.1.2023
1 1-10 835
2 11-50 1.945
3 51-100 2.775
4 101-200 3.555
5 201-500 4.775
6 501-1000 5.550
7 1001-5000 6.660
8 over 5000 8.880


Fees for research centres, university institutes, government authorities and non-profit organizations are negotiable individually.