ConversionIn nuclear technology the conversion of a substance in a fis... of the long-lived nuclides of the elements plutoniumPlutonium - the 94th element in the classification of elemen..., neptunium, americium and curium, generated during operation of nuclear reactors by neutronUncharged elementary particle with a mass of 1.67492716 ·10... capture in U-238. Particularly for direct ultimate waste disposal of spent fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. elements, the partly very long half-lives of the nuclides Np-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Am-241, Am-243, Cm-243 and Cm-244 emitting alpha radiationEnergy dispersion through matter or space. In atomic physics... require proof of safe storage over very long periods. By nuclear conversions, either due to direct fissionSee 'nuclear fission'. as for Pu-239 or conversionIn nuclear technology the conversion of a substance in a fis... in easily fissionable nuclides by neutronUncharged elementary particle with a mass of 1.67492716 ·10... capture relatively short-lived or stable fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca... are finally produced. For this purpose, it is necessary to reprocess the spent nuclear fuelIn accordance with the definition of the German Atomic Energ..., to separate these transuranium elements from the fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca... and to convert them in suitable nuclear reactors using neutrons. In addition to the reactors as neutron sourceFacility to generate free neutrons. for the conversionIn nuclear technology the conversion of a substance in a fis..., subcritical arrangements driven by accelerators are discussed as a possibility of “burning” Pu and higher actinides. Since a high number of neutrons can be provided by a strong protonElementary particle with a positive electrical elementary ch... beam from an acceleratorDevice to accelerate electrically charged particles to high ... and the resulting spallations in a suitable targetPiece of matter on which radiation impinges, causing nuclear... material, a good prerequisite exists for such transmutation machines. As no self-perpetuating chain reactionSelf-perpetuating reaction. In a fission chain reaction, a f... takes place in such facilities, advantages with regard to safety behaviour are expected.