Heat generated by the decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... of radioactive fission productsNuclides generated by fission or subsequent radioactive deca... in a nuclear reactorSee 'reactor'. after shutdown – termination of the chain reactionSelf-perpetuating reaction. In a fission chain reaction, a f.... The residual heat in the first seconds after shutdown amounts to about 5% of the power prior to shutdown. The residual heat in the fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. elements is equal to approx. 2 kW per tonne nuclear fuelIn accordance with the definition of the German Atomic Energ... after three years of decay timeThe radioactive fission products in the fuel resulting from ..., i.e. about 1 kW per fuel elementArrangement of a number of fuel rods into which the nuclear ... of a pressurized water reactorPower reactor in which the heat is dissipated from the core ....