This is radioactive conversionIn nuclear technology the conversion of a substance in a fis... emitting a beta particleElectron with positive or negative charge emitted by a nucle.... During beta decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... the mass numberMass of an atom in nuclear mass units. Number of protons and... of the parent nuclideA nuclide is a type of atom characterized by its proton numb... is equal to the newly created nuclideA nuclide is a type of atom characterized by its proton numb..., whereas the atomic numberNumber of protons in an atomic nucleus. Each chemical elemen... of the newly created nuclei changes by one unit; namely the atomic numberNumber of protons in an atomic nucleus. Each chemical elemen... during beta decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... emitting a positronElementary particle with the mass of an electron, but positi... becomes smaler by one unit (see ‘beta-plus decay’) and during beta decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... emitting a negative electronElementary particle with a negative electrical elementary ch... greater by one unit (see ‘beta-minus decay’).