Radioactive conversionIn nuclear technology the conversion of a substance in a fis... emitting an alpha particlePositively charged particle emitted by various radioactive m.... During alpha decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... the atomic numberNumber of protons in an atomic nucleus. Each chemical elemen... is reduced by two units and the mass numberMass of an atom in nuclear mass units. Number of protons and... by four units. For example, alpha decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... generates Rn-222 with the atomic numberNumber of protons in an atomic nucleus. Each chemical elemen... 86 and the mass numberMass of an atom in nuclear mass units. Number of protons and... 222 from Ra-226 with the atomic numberNumber of protons in an atomic nucleus. Each chemical elemen... 88 and the mass numberMass of an atom in nuclear mass units. Number of protons and... 226.
Diagram alpha decay
Alpha decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide...; the figure shows the decayThe spontaneous conversion of a nuclide into another nuclide... of radium-226 into radon-222 emitting helium with 4 nucleons (2 protons and 2 neutrons = 1alpha particle)