Nuclear reactorSee 'reactor'. with a chain reactionSelf-perpetuating reaction. In a fission chain reaction, a f... maintained by fast neutrons and generating more fissile materialAny substance which can be fissioned by neutrons, during whi... than it consumes. The reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction... is composed of ‘fissile’ U-235 enriched uraniumUranium in which the percentage of the fissionable isotope U... or Pu-239 fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. which is surrounded by a ‘breeder’ blanketReactor zone containing fertile material for breeding. of natural uraniumUranium in the isotope composition occurring in nature, Natu... containing ‘fertile’ U238. This ‘fertile’ U-238 is converted into the fissile Pu-239 by capture of neutrons (escaping from the corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction...) and two subsequent beta decays. The reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... corePart of the nuclear reactor where the fission chain reaction... is designed to obtain a high ‘breeding’ ratio, practically exclusively with fast neutrons. Since the neutrons should be decelerated as little as possible, water is excluded as a coolantAny substance used to remove the heat in a nuclear reactor. ... due to its decelerating effect. For technical reasons, sodium, which is liquid above temperatures of 97.8°C, is particularly well suited. By converting the natural uraniumUranium in the isotope composition occurring in nature, Natu... in the ‘breeder’ blanketReactor zone containing fertile material for breeding. into Pu239 which can then be recycled into fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'., the fast breeder can utilize uraniumNatural radioactive element with the atomic number 92. The n... up to 60 times better than by thermal reactors such as PWRs.