Chicago Pile No. 1, first man made nuclear reactorSee 'reactor'. (OkloA prehistoric natural "nuclear reactor", which was in operat...). A group of scientists headed by Enrico Fermi succeeded with the first self-perpetuating chain reactionSelf-perpetuating reaction. In a fission chain reaction, a f... on 2nd December 1942 in Chicago, IL, USA. Natural uraniumUranium in the isotope composition occurring in nature, Natu... was used as a fuelSee 'nuclear fuel'. and graphite as moderatorMaterial used to "decelerate" fast neutrons to low energies,.... Due to the low power of the reactorSystem used to initiate, maintain and control a fission chai... a special cooling was not necessary.
Diagram CP-1
CP-1 during the criticalA reactor is critical when due to nuclear fission as many ne... test of the first self-perpetuat-ing chain reactionSelf-perpetuating reaction. In a fission chain reaction, a f... on 2nd Dec. 1942