NUKEM Oskarshamn

NUKEM Successfully Achieved Final Dismantling Of RPV AT Oskarshamn NPP

NUKEM Successfully Achieved Final Dismantling Of RPV AT Oskarshamn NPP NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH (NUKEM, ENS Corporate Member), in partnership with Uniper Nuclear Services GmbH (UNS), has successfully completed the complex dismantling of the fourth and final reactor pressure vessel (RPV) at the Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden. This achievement represents the successful…

nuclear medicine cooperation

Framatome and IBA To Partner To Advance Scale-Production Of Astatine-211

Framatome and IBA To Partner To Advance Scale-Production Of Astatine-211 Framatome (ENS Corporate Member) and IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A., EURONEXT) announced the signature of a Memorandum Of Understanding to start a strategic partnership aimed at advancing industrial-scale production of Astatine-211 (211At), an alpha-emitting radioisotope across Europe and the United States. 211At is a highly…


ENS Welcomes The Launch of The European Business Nuclear Alliance

Open Letter from the European Nuclear Society (ENS) regarding the launch of the European Business Nuclear Alliance ENS Open Letter regarding the launch of the European Business Nuclear Alliance The European Nuclear Society (ENS) welcomes the recent declaration by the 14 Business federations highlighting the vital role of nuclear energy in Europe’s decarbonisation, competitiveness, and…

HEXANA Tractebel

Tractebel To Support HEXANA In Developing Its SMR

Tractebel To Support HEXANA In Developing Its SMR Tractebel (ENS Corporate Member) signed a new partnership to support the French start-up HEXANA in developing its design of a Small Modular Reactor (SMR). HEXANA, a spin-off from CEA (ENS Corporate Member), aims to develop an SMR featuring a sodium-cooled fast neutron reactor, integrated with a high-temperature storage device.…