SCK CEN Celebrates HADES Laboratory’s 40th Anniversary

SCK CEN Celebrates HADES Laboratory’s 40th Anniversary On 27th April, the Belgian research centre SCK CEN (ENS Corporate Member) celebrated the 40th anniversary of its HADES underground laboratory. The construction of the laboratory at 225 metres below ground level started in 1980. Here, scientists perform research into the mechanical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of clay…

Eastern Europe And The Future Of Nuclear Fuel Supply

Eastern Europe And The Future Of Nuclear Fuel Supply On 13th April, Westinghouse and Framatome (both ENS Corporate Members) have been awarded a long-term contract by Czech utility ČEZ for the supply of nuclear fuel assemblies to the Temelín nuclear power plant. Under the contract, deliveries of fuel will start in 2024 and continue for approximately 15…


Vattenfall Signed New Long-Term Nuclear Fuel Supply Contracts

Vattenfall Signed New Long-Term Nuclear Fuel Supply Contracts Nuclear fuel and the diversification of its suppliers is definitely a hot topic these last weeks. In Sweden, Vattenfall (ENS Corporate Member) has signed long-term supply agreements with Westinghouse Electric and Framatome (both ENS Corporate Members too) to secure fuel supply to the five nuclear reactors at…

Support For Nuclear Energy Highest Than Ever In Finland

Support For Nuclear Energy Highest Than Ever in Finland Support for nuclear power in Finland is higher than ever, according to a survey commissioned by the Finnish Energy Industry Association to Kantar Public. 60% of respondents have positive opinions about nuclear power (34% completely positive and 26% broadly positive), and only 11% are negative (3%…


Tractebel To Support France’s NUWARD SMR Project

Tractebel To Support France’s NUWARD SMR Project Tractebel (ENS Corporate Member) will provide engineering services to deliver NUWARD ™, a small modular reactor technology. The construction of the reference plant is expected to start in 2030 and its deployment will contribute to meeting growing European demand for carbon-neutral, safe, and affordable electricity.  Tractebel’s experts will…


ITER Project Achieved A Major Machine Assembly Milestone

ITER Project Achieved A Major Machine Assembly Milestone Thursday 11th May the ITER Project achieved a major machine assembly milestone, as the first sub-section of the ITER plasma chamber was successfully lifted out of tooling and lowered into the machine well. This major lifting operation took several months to prepare for the entire ITER and…

OECD NEA: “Nuclear Is Crucial For Climate Change Mitigation Efforts”

OECD NEA: “Nuclear Is Crucial For Climate Change Mitigation Efforts” OECD Nuclear Energy Agency recently published its last report “Meeting Climate Change Targets: The Role of Nuclear Energy”, which focuses on the potential contribution of nuclear energy to clean energy capacity and emissions reductions between 2020 and 2050, taking into consideration the contributions from power and…


Westinghouse To Advance Micro-Reactors Deployment In North America

Westinghouse To Advance Micro-Reactors Deployment In North America Westinghouse Electric Company (ENS Corporate Member) is signing several Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with North American research centres and universities to advance micro-reactors deployment in Canada and USA. Canada Westinghouse and the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) will jointly develop a project to locate an eVinci™ micro-reactor in…

CERN LHC Has Restarted And Recorded New Fundamental Observations

CERN LHC Has Restarted And Recorded New Fundamental Observations One month ago, the CERN (Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire) Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator has restarted after a break of more than three years for maintenance, consolidation and upgrade work. Two beams of protons circulated in opposite directions…

SCK CEN Receives Government Funding To Lead SMR Research

SCK CEN Receives Government Funding To Lead SMR Research Belgium’s SCK CEN nuclear research centre (ENS Corporate Member) will receive a budget of €100 million from the Federal Government to conduct research into small modular reactors (SMRs). In 1952, SCK CEN was created to promote nuclear energy in Belgium and launch the Belgian atomic age.…